Chuck Close
I was introduced to Chuck Close’s work in a heartfelt documentary, “Herb & Dorothy,” which I reviewed here earlier. As savvy-art collectors, Herb & Dorothy collected works of emerging but talented artists in the two decades following the Sixties; their small apartment housed works of artists Lucio Pozzi, Chuck Close, Christo & Jeanne-Claude,Will Barnet, and Sol LeWitt. Later, these artists profoundly influenced the contemporary art scene, which was prevalent in New York in the Seventies and Eighties. With the passage of time, and through positive feedback and reviews from art-lovers and critics, Chuck Close was rightly associated with the elite group of modern expressionist artists that still exists today. Marion Cajori’s insightful new documentary, “Chuck Close,” explores Chuck Close’s unique portraiture style along with thoughts from fellow artists and critics. The documentary begins with Close undertaking an ambitious project of building his massive-scale portrait. Th...