Ken Burns's The Civil War
“The conflict was inevitable; the slavery lasted too long.” -- Oliver Wendell Holmes Here are some mind-boggling facts about America ’s Civil War: Some 3,000,000 soldiers fought in a War that lasted four years. An estimated 625,000 soldiers died, more than in America ’s two World Wars combined. Of these dead, 400,000 died of fatal diseases, and 7,000 died in the first twenty minutes. And the War was fought in 10,000 different places. There is no doubt that the Civil War was the bloodiest war fought on American soil. It was the the country’s most-traumatic war and transformed the country forever. The cultural landscape was changed with the abolition of slavery and the unification of the states of America . The aftermath of the War triggered a rapid growth in the manufacturing sector, a growth responsible for making what America is today. Fought a hundred and fifty years ago, the Civil War sometimes gets lost in the heroics of the two World Wa...