Thor Tales of Asgard
“Thor: Tales of Asgard” (2011) is a direct-to-video release, closely following on the heels of the much-anticipated blockbuster, “Thor.” Based on a popular character by Marvel Comics, this animated title presents an interesting tale occurring during Thor’s youthful days. Marketing itself with a tag line, “Before the hammer…came the sword,” the film can be perceived as a prequel or as an extension to Thor’s character. Needless to say, “Tales of Asgard” has an interesting mix of action, magic, drama, and technology marvel to keep us mildly interested in Thor’s journey. The story revolves around Thor embarking on a mission to retrieve a powerful weapon popularly known as the Sword of Sutur. Thor is joined by his loyal brother Loki, along with other warriors. Together they sail on stormy seas, travel on horses through dangerous terrain, and meet powerful enemies along the way. We meet several characters: the King of Odin, Thor, Loki, Algrin, the Frost Giants, and Brunhilde. A big battl...