The year 2010 presented us with two survival movies dealing with a single character struggling to stay alive: Danny Boyle’s “127 Hours” (2010) and Rodrigo Cortés’s “Buried” (2010), both movies showing its main protagonists trapped in life-threatening situations. The survival-horror genre minus the “Saw” series has been revived again with these films by showing the dire circumstances that can befall any ordinary man. In the recently announced Oscar nominations, James Franco has been nominated in the Best Actor category for his gutsy performance in “127 Hours.” I thought Ryan Reynolds would be nominated for this performance in “Buried,” but then that would mean two actors receiving nominations for similar roles. Nonetheless, critics praised “Buried” for constructing perfect realism along with Ryan Reynolds’s best performance so far. The film was initially released in January, 2010, at the Sundance Film Festival, and it only received a limited theatrical release in the fall of 2010...